
Eskişehir Teknik Üniversitesi Tanıtım Günleri


Üniversite tercih döneminin başlamasıyla birlikte  25- 28 Temmuz tarihleri arasında Eskişehir Teknik Üniversitesi tanıtım günleri düzenledi.  Tanıtım günlerinde ekibimiz, aday öğrencilere başarılarımızı, çalışmalarımızı ve üniversitemizin bize sağladığı imkanları anlattı.

Okulda düzenlenen tanıtım toplantılarının ardından 3 gün boyunca Espark AVM’de filomuzu tanıtıp, aday öğrencilerle buluştuk.

TAI Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı ve TAI Genel Müdürü ile Bir Araya Geldik

TAI Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı Prof. Dr. Oğuz Borat ve TAI Genel Müdürü Prof. Dr. Temel Kotil, 14 Şubat tarihinde TÜBİTAK Uluslararası İnsansız Hava Aracı Yarışması’nda sabit ve döner kanat kategorilerinde birincilik elde eden öğrencileri ağırladı. Ekip üyelerimiz ve akademik danışmanımız  ile birlikte bu davete katıldık.

Ekibimiz, TEKNOFEST 2018 kapsamında düzenlenen TÜBİTAK Uluslararası İnsansız Hava Aracı Yarışması’nda elde ettiği birincilik sebebiyle toplantıya katıldı. Ekip danışmanımız Prof. Dr. T. Hikmet Karakoç ve kaptanımız Emre Özbek, düzenlenen tanışma yemeği sonrasında Eskişehir Teknik Üniversitesi insansız hava aracı çalışmaları ve altyapıları üzerine bir sunum gerçekleştirdi. Sunumda takımımızın 7 yıllık kronolojisine, atölye imkânlarına, uçak filosuna ve projelerine yer verildi. Ayrıca takımımızın araştırma projeleri de ayrıntılı olarak anlatıldı. Bu projelerden yakıt hücreli İHA konusu özellikle işbirliği kapsamındaki projeler olarak değerlendirildi.

TAI ve Eskişehir Teknik Üniversitesi Anatolia Aero Design ekibi arasında çalışma ve iş birliklerinin geliştirilmesi amacıyla TAI tarafından en yakın zamanda Eskişehir Teknik Üniversitesi’ne ziyaret planlandı.

Anatolia Aerodesign Was At Espark With It’s Champion Squadron

Anatolia Aero Design team introduced it’s award-winning squadron at the Espark Mall this year too.

The attention of the visitors was high at the exhibition that was held in 10-11 November.
Thanks to the flight simulation at the exhibit, our visitors had the chance to experience the feeling of piloting a drone.
Our champion planes and our team received great admiration from the people of Eskisehir.

Our Academic Advisor Prof. Dr. T. Hikmet Karakoç, our Main Sponsor ETI’s Board of Directors Vice President Emir Turan and our sponsor Ozzaim Tool Supply’s General Manager Esat OZZAIM visited our stand.
We would like to thank to dear people of Eskisehir, our Academic Advisor and our Sponsors for their interest.

We Are Looking For New Teammates

Those who wish to join us shall fill the form in the link.

The forms that are filled will be evaluated by our Academic Advisor Prof.Dr.T.Hikmet Karakoç.
Those who are seen fit will be called for an interview.Place and time the interview will be held will be announced
from our social media accounts and with an e-mail.

Deadline for the applications: 15 November 2018.

Click here to apply

Our Team Met Faculty Administration

Our team informed The Dean Prof.Dr.Semra Kurama, The Vice Dean Dr.Instructor Savas Selahattin Ates and
The Secretary Of Our Faculty Recai Çelik about our activities.

After Our Academic Advisor Prof.Dr.T.Hikmet Karakoç introduced our team members and informed the administration about our future projects.
Our Team Captain Emre Ozbek showed our workshop, squadron and projects that we are working on.

The Dean had a conversation with us and listened to our concerns.

We would like thank the Faculty Administration for their interest.

Our Team Works Non-Stop in Summer

Even in summer period, our team keeps working hard and hastily. While makings observations and taking notes, they are also working on developping new ideas. With the ambitious work of our Electronics Team we were able to integrate autonomous systems to our training aircrafts.

Missions like; take-off, flying over waypoints, payload releasing and landing, which we command on our ground station, are now able to be done autonomously. You can follow our test flight via our social media accounts.

Our Team Gets Its New Workshops

With the support of our school, 5 mini workshops on the old hangar building of the Faculty of Aeronautics and Astronautics have given to our team.These workshops are:

• Composite Workshop
• Painting Workshop
• UAV Assembly Workshop
• Electric-Electronics Workshop
• Battery-Motor Test Workshop

We would like to thank our school management for these opportunities. In the near future, detailed information about our workshop equipment and the work carried out will be presented on our web site with the title “Workshops”.

We Met With Our Little Friends

We had an activity with high interest on May 12/2018 at Eskisehir Science and Experiment Center called “Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Workshop Studies”. We made the bee model in the workshop with the childrens. Flight simulation game was great for childrens. We talked about our planes and
Anatolia Aero Design team at our exhibition area. We also had the opportunity to meet our little friends with big awareness. We know a debt of appreciation to everyone who participates in our event and shows interests. We hope to see eachother in another activity.